Dr. Jesse Rodriguez, Superintendent
Dr. Jesse J. Rodríguez is a lifelong educator, bringing over 23 years of experience to the position of Superintendent of Schools.
He earned both a Master of Science in Educational Leadership and a doctorate with a focus on leadership, learning, research,
and service at Cardinal Stritch University.
Prior to accepting the position as Superintendent for Zion-Benton District 126, Dr. Rodriguez served as
Superintendent and Chief Executive Officer for Proviso Township High Schools District 209, serving 10 diverse communities.
His other professional experiences include high school teacher, assistant principal, principal,
and regional superintendent of 26, K-8 schools and three high schools serving over 26,000 students in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
He served multiple governing and executive boards as part of his service leadership platform and has been recognized for his
contributionsto education at the local, state, and national levels. Dr. Rodriguez has established performance standards
and expectations based on a clear vision for success while creating professional learning environments that are inclusive,
collaborative, focused on results and drivenby highly effective instruction.
Dr. Rodriguez resides in the district with his wife and three children.